Headshot Photography

In the competitive world of business, first impressions matter.

As a seasoned business headshot photographer, I understand the significance of a compelling and impactful headshot that conveys your unique professional persona.

Investing in a high-quality headshot is an investment in your professional success. With my expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to excellence, I will provide you with headshots that elevate your personal brand and open doors to new opportunities. Contact me today to schedule your headshot session and let's capture the best version of yourself!

Here's why you should hire me to capture your next headshot:

  1. Expertise: With years of experience in headshot photography, I possess the technical skills and artistic vision to create headshots that stand out. I know how to highlight your best features, showcase your confidence, and project the right image for your industry and target audience.

  2. Personalized Approach: I believe that every client is unique, and your headshot should reflect your individuality. I take the time to understand your goals, industry, and personal style, ensuring that the final result aligns perfectly with your brand and aspirations. Whether you need a corporate, creative, or executive headshot, I tailor my approach to meet your specific needs.

  3. Comfortable and Relaxed Environment: I understand that being in front of the camera can be intimidating for some. That's why I create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere during our headshot sessions. I guide you through the process, helping you feel at ease and enabling your authentic personality to shine through. Your comfort and confidence are my top priorities.

  4. Attention to Detail: From lighting and composition to posing and expression, I pay meticulous attention to every aspect of your headshot. I ensure that the lighting is flattering, the background is appropriate, and your pose and expression are poised and engaging. The final result will be a polished and professional headshot that makes a lasting impression.

  5. Quick Turnaround: I understand that time is of the essence in the business world. That's why I strive to deliver your final headshots promptly without compromising on quality. You can expect to receive your edited headshots within a short turnaround time, allowing you to update your online presence and professional profiles promptly.

What’s the Difference Between a Portrait and Headshot?

A portrait and a headshot are both types of photographs focusing on a person's face or head, but they serve different purposes and are used in different contexts.


Portrait: A portrait is a photograph that aims to capture the personality, mood, and character of the subject. It often includes more of the person's body, such as shoulders, torso, or even full-body shots, and can be taken in various settings, including indoor or outdoor locations.

Headshot: A headshot, on the other hand, is a specific type of portrait that focuses primarily on the person's face, head, and sometimes shoulders. Headshots are commonly used in professional settings such as corporate profiles, resumes, actor/model portfolios, and social media profiles. The primary purpose of a headshot is to showcase the person's facial features, expressions, and sometimes their style or professionalism.

Composition and Framing

Portrait: In a portrait, the composition and framing may vary widely depending on the photographer's artistic vision and the desired outcome. It can include different poses, backgrounds, and lighting setups to create a specific mood or convey a message about the subject.

Headshot: Headshots typically follow specific guidelines regarding composition and framing. The focus is on the person's face, with minimal distractions in the background. The framing is usually close, capturing the head, shoulders, and sometimes a portion of the upper torso. The lighting is often even to highlight facial features clearly.

Headshot of Adam Dunton by Yeger Anderson.
Blacm and white portrait of Kamalia Freyling by Yeager Anderson.


Portrait: Portraits are versatile and can be used in various contexts, including personal photo albums, artistic exhibitions, magazine covers, and family portraits. They are more about capturing the essence of the person beyond just their physical appearance.

Headshot: Headshots have a more specific professional usage. They are commonly used in industries such as acting, modeling, corporate environments, and online platforms like LinkedIn. Headshots are meant to represent the person's professional image, showcasing their demeanor, confidence, and suitability for specific roles or positions.

Editing and Retouching

Portrait: Portraits may undergo artistic editing and retouching to enhance colors, tones, and overall aesthetics. Depending on the style and purpose, photographers may use various editing techniques to achieve a desired look while still maintaining the authenticity of the subject.

Headshot: Headshots typically require minimal editing and retouching to ensure that they accurately represent the person's appearance. Basic adjustments like color correction, blemish removal, and minor touch-ups may be applied to present a polished yet natural image.

In summary, while both portraits and headshots involve capturing images of a person's face or head, their purposes, compositions, usage contexts, and post-processing treatments differ significantly. Understanding these differences helps photographers, subjects, and viewers appreciate the distinct characteristics and applications of each type of photography.




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